RISC OS printer tools

Created 06.05.2005 T. Milius
Changed 28.01.2007 T. Milius


  1. !PDPEICal
    1. Overview
    2. Download
  2. !PrtInfo
    1. Overview
    2. Download



!PDPEICal is a relatively universal useable RISC OS printer driver (Dumper). The printer definition format has been extended by a cellar stack calculator which allows geenerating of defintions files for a lot of actual printers. Requirement is that the printer supports Bitmap graphics output which data can be transfered line by line. Additonally the program provides a calibration tool to obtain good colour prints (with up to 10 colours) and to optimize the ink usage. Also the printer driver allows printing into Sprite files with various number of colours. Unfortunately in the moment there are only some older EPSON printers supported.

I am thanking Martin Hodgson for his support at testing the program.




!PrtInfo is a flexible adaptable tool for printer maintainance. In case that the right driver is available and the printer is supporting a function in general you can display the toner/ink-level, change toner or ink cartridges or the print head, clean the print heads and fetch the printer status. Additionally the program contains a simple ink cartridge database. You can generate your own drivers by a simple specialized programming language and by making usage of Draw files. In the moment some EPSON and some Canon printers are supported.

I am thanking Detlef Thielsch from A4 for his support during the development of the Canon drivers.


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