Created 07.04.1999 T. Milius
Changed 15.02.2025 T. Milius
I worked with a lot of computers and operating systems. There is an
overview about this available.
At home I am working since 1994 on computers which are based on the operating
system RISC OS.
Because RISC OS-Computers with their ARM-Processors are
very fast, stable and make small usage of resources, and RISC OS is one of the
best documentated operating systems and has a high flexibility, these computers
are still my best choice. People, who want to know more about these computers
should read the Homepage of the German Acorn
Computerclub GAG.
You can send me an E-mail if you have any common or technical questions
on RISC OS-Computers. I will try to answer or give you an address of a person
which may be able to help you.
The usage of the programs or the descriptions is done on
your own risk.
I wrote all of the following programs myself. They are Freeware and are packed as ZIP-Files.
Unpack them for example by using SparkFS. Excuse me but an English manual is
not available in the most cases. I shall change this if the programs are more
professional or on your demand.
- Nesting program Polygonplacer (1.4M).
- HTTPServ V0.12 (2.2M).
HTTP-Server with cgi-bin (PHP, SQLite and SSI support).
- !Psionconv.
Psion S5 file to HTML-Converter.
- CassConv (4k).
Program to process digitalized analogue recordings (Maximal
amplification, splitting, frequence translation).
- !ZipFE (3k). FrontEnder
user interface for ZIP-compression tool (not included).
- RegExtract.
Program to compare the registry of Windows CE computers after changes.
- !PDPEICal.
Flexible adaptable printer driver (dumper) for ink and laser printers.
- !PrtInfo.
Flexible adaptable printer maintainance tool.
- !IntelDMA (11k).
Modul which allows DMA transfers on the Iyonix between RAM and RAM or
PCI using the DMA-unit of the Intel Xscale 80321.
- Concatenate (2k).
Program to concatenate several files.
- NetTraffic (7k).
Two programs to messure the maximal throughput inside a network between
two RISC OS Computers.
- !FTDI (38k).
Allows usage of USB devices containing an FTDI USB-Serial converter
under DeviceFS.
- USBSDvEmu (5k).
Modul to simulate a serial interface under USB (eg. reqwuired for PPP).
- !TchScrn (100k).
Allows usage of monitors containing D-WAV-EGalax USB Touchscreen units
and of the official 7" RaspberryPi Display.
- !TchScSBS (17k).
Extension to TchScrn to use it with your fingers instead touchpens and on
machine without real keyboards (in conjunction with !VKeyboard or !Chars).
- !COMCentre (179k).
Allows usage of mobile phones and surfsticks with USB-Connection
(UMTS/GSM-Internet access, SMS send/receive, manage phone numbers etc.).
- 3rdButton (2k).
Modul to simulate the menu mouse button on keyboards with the menue key
in case mouse has only two buttons.
- USBDevSwp V0.06 (143k).
Allows switching of configuration of non USB conform devices likes
surfsticks into another configuration. List of devices is mainly from
January 2015.
- !GetMonInfo (52k).
Analyzation of computer monitors with generation of MDFs.
< - !DMT-3000 RS (3k).
Recording of measures from MONACOR DMT-3000 RS digital multimeter into
a CVS file.
- !WKnowWYL V0.08 (79k).
Fetch geocoordinates of streets by Googles/Nominatims API.
- !MapView V0.13 (850k).
Displays OSM-Maps etc..
- !GPXRoute (73k).
Editing of Garmin GPX routes and track point files.
- !GPXTrack V0.09 (650k).
Convert Garmin GPX track files to CSV or Draw files
- !KMSwitch (218k).
Key/Mouse Switch for RISC OS Computers with network interface.
- !MiniIRCSrv (51k).
Small standalone IRC server for support/experimental chat.
- !IRCBot (94k).
Adapter to use Taskwindow programs as IRC bots.
- !HomeCntrl (3.5M).
Graphical user interface for house automation systems.
- !DPBasicERP (1.3M).
DataPower based basic ERP System.
- !HistoryFS V0.06 (241k).
Simple document management system based on an Image Filing system.
- ExtdVars V0.02 (25k).
Crude collection of a few variables and commands to create other
special variables (Command Output, Questions)
- SSI V0.03 (17k).
Server Side Includes eg. for usage with HTTPServ.
- FileAccess V0.13 (39k).
Module which allows to control file access for various users.
- MakeMJPEG V0.03 (228k).
Subprogram for other programs to create Motion-JPEG Stream files.
- !MediMan V0.03 (69k).
Simple limited DICOM® file parser
- !DBDevTool V0.02 (43k).
Small development tool to create SQL queries. Supports in the moment
only DataPower as database.
- rostersync(3k).
Toolbox resources language synchronization tool.
Windows CE
- DataExchange.
Javascript HTML-page to import/export Pocket-Outlook data on Windows CE
Portated Programs
All of the following programs I portated in accordance with the
license or with agreement of the author to RISCOS. They are packed
as ZIP-Files. Unpack them for example by using SparkFS.
Modified Programs
Following RISC OS programs have been available as Open Source.
I have modified them to my requirements.They are packed
as ZIP-Files. Unpack them for example by using SparkFS.
This chapter contains source code developed by myself. The conditions
of usage are described as a separate document.
Information about privacy protection can be obtained